
Since the outset, the audience of A Course in Miracles has asked for and about the “Original Dictation”. With each different version released, they have been assured, “This is it.” Due to the enormous confusion caused by these conflicting claims, we’ve listed all those versions and editions for which the claim has been made along with an accurate appraisal of the respective merits of each claim.

As with any “Holy Book” or “Scripture”, before we can hope to fully understand what it means we have to be sure we know what it says.

Since the copyright on A Course in Miracles was tossed out by the courts in 2002, a variety of versions and editions of The Course have appeared in print and e-text editions. Their quality varies from the sublime to the ridiculous. Since one can’t judge a book by its cover, and many editions print entirely inaccurate and dishonest descriptions, we’ve got on-line copies and extensive descriptive reviews of each.

View A Course in Miracles versions

The Original Dictation Project

The project to recover and restore the Original Dictation of A Course in Miracles

Learn more

Primary Sources

Includes all the original source documents we have of the scribal versions.

  • Primary Sources copies of the original manuscripts in facsimile and e-text
  • Reference material such as Concordances and Glossaries,
  • Secondary Sources such as essays and research papers on various topics related to A Course in Miracles,
  • Frequently Asked Questions.

Go to the sources

This site used to be called “The Scholar’s Toolbox” because that is what it is. But that word “scholar” is intimidating to many even though its definition is the same as “student”. So the name has been changed. What you will find on this site is the single most complete, comprehensive, accurate, and yes, scholarly presentation of primary and secondary sources for A Course in Miracles on planet earth. All editions of all versions with, wherever possible (and that is most of the time), you will find completely honest and accurate copies available as PDF downloads and or readable pages. You will also find original photocopies of the currently available scribal manuscripts. And all cross-referenced with a universal reference system. Those we don’t have we’re still trying to shake loose. And that is rather remarkably different from almost any other ACIM website, as you will discover as you explore this one.

While many have helped in uncounted ways, this site is the work of one Biblical Scholar who put his training to work to do for ACIM what has been done for the Bible: make it available in the most honest, complete and accurate copies possible for the lowest possible price. So far, the lowest possible price has been free.